Ryan's House for Youth has two housing options for homeless and at-risk young adults ages 18-24.
Night to night Emergency Shelter is a low barrier shelter offering young people immediate shelter and safety from the elements and circumstances they may be experiencing. Young people may stay for short periods of time while they work with Youth Advocates to determine their path or housing.
Transitional housing is for youth who are ready to make the next steps toward success. This program is designed for young people in need of assistance getting a successful launch into adulthood. This stay can last up to 2 years. Support with, budgeting, basic cleaning and cooking skills, and any other self identified skills. are provided for each youth as move through the program. Youth created goal plans help to guide the Youth Advocates in their support of each participant. Transitional housing requires the participant to be in school or working full time. For more information please contact us at (360) 331-4575.